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Edit an Event

Editing an event is straightforward. But there are a few requirements for whether or not you in particular can edit a given event. Keep reading below for more information on who can edit, and how to edit events.

Who Can Edit

Requirements for editing events:

  • You’re the Calendar Admin
  • Or, you’re the creator of the event (you manually submitted your own event in the system)
  • Or, you have permission in the system to edit/manage events

If you do not fall into one of these categories, then you won’t be able to edit a given event. For instance, if you asked the calendar admin to create your event, then that event is attached to the calendar admin, and you’ll have to ask them to make any changes going forward.

How To Edit

Editing the event is similar to requesting the event. In order to edit the event you’ll need to do the following:

  • Find your event.
    • Either search for it and open its detail page, or locate it on the Calendar interface, click it, and click View Event Details.
  • If you have permission to edit the system (see above), then on the bottom of the detail page, you’ll find the ”Manage Event” button. Click it.
  • Now you have access to a page that should look familiar by now. Just edit details that you need edited. Please note some details are not available for editing. Which ones will be clear on the editing page.